Cement industry

Experience gained in projects for cement industry.
SimTec company is proud of dozen years of experience in cement sector. Our software engineers already in 1990s, as employees of Siemens Poland, took part in modernization of one of Polish cement plants based on Siemens standard Cemat v4.12. Afterwads in years 2000/2001, as one of first in Poland, our engineers implemented Cemat standard based on Simatic PCS7 v5.1 in one of German biggest cement plants.
Currently the whole SimTec’s engineering team is certified in Simatic PCS7 with perfect Cemat standard knowledge and experience.
As the only one in Poland we have realized with success migration of Cemat v4.12 standard to PCS7 for two Polish cement plants.
Since 1990s we’ve been specializing in Cemat standard. Our latest Cemat implementation was based on Simatic PCS7 v8.0 SP1 and Cemat v8.0 and consists of:
- 2 pairs of redundant PCS7 servers (SRV)
- 2 engineering stations ES
- 5 operator stations (2 & 4 monitors each) OS
- Server Historian and IS (Information Server) clients HIS
- Maintenance Station MS
- Open PCS7 Server for OPC data sharing
- 5 Automation Stations AS-400
- Time Synchronisation by means of Siclock GPS
- Profibus networks and Industrial Ethernet fiber optic ring
- Simocode drives on Profibus DP

Another cement plant that we’ve been modernizing and servicing continuously since many years based on Simatic PCS7 v7.0 SP3 and Cemat v7.0 SP1 has the following structure:
- 2 pairs of redundant PCS7 servers (SRV)
- 2 engineering stations – one as Master ES
- 20 operator stations (2 & 4 monitors each)
- Long time archive server CAS (Central Archive Server)
- 11 Automation Stations AS-400 (CPU-416 and CPU 417)
- Time Synchronisation by means of Siclock GPS
- Profibus DP and Industrial Ethernet networks
- Frequency controlled drives MicroMaster and Sinamics

SimTec’s engineering team has experience in all cement plant technological areas. Our projects were done in Poland and abroad in Germany, Austria and Russia. We have implemented and commissioned software for the following areas:
- Crusher and lime stone transport to buffer,
- Lime stone averaging storage control in cooperation with Stacker&Destacker,
- Lime stone and slate storage control,
- Managing and control of components transport to buffer silo before Raw Mill,
- Dosing of Raw material to Raw Mill (Schenck scales etc.),
- Raw Mill controls,
- Different homogenization towers control and material mixing before kiln,
- Preheater Tower and by-pass control,
- Kiln controls,
- Cooperation with different burners (Pfister rotor burner, gas etc.),
- Coal mills control with coal transport and storage,
- Slate Mill control,
- Alternative fuels as used tires and bio-fuels,
- Coal dosing,
- Complete cooler control (IKN, Claudius Peters etc.)
- Clinker transport and storage. Aumund conveyors etc.
- Cement mill area controls and Mill control with separators,
- Cement transport to different receivers – packaging, big-bag, railway, truck etc.,
- Complete control of packaging area assortments,
- Auxiliary areas: boiler rooms, compressors and others,
- Electro-filters,
- Bag-filters,
- And many other smaller areas