Engineering team of SimTec Sp.z o.o. company is a mixture of youth and experience. SimTec’s engineers have made projects based on old PLC systems as: Simatic S5, ABB, Modicon, Schneider, GE Fanuc, Mitsubishi, Saia, Teleperm and Cemat 4.12 standard. Good knowledge of already outdated systems makes it easier for our specialists to migrate them to up to date solutions. We have already realized many upgrades of old PLC systems to their current versions. We are specialiying in Simatic S5 migration to Simatic S7 or Simatic S7 to TIA Portal.
We can undertake analysis of any old PLC software, rewrite it and upgrade the system to modern Simatic S7/PCS7 or any other required PLC system. Company SimTec, as the only one in Poland, has migrated old Cemat 4.12 standard to new Simatic PCS7 system for two Polish cement plants. We have also participated in migration of huge control system for oil platform controlled with old Teleperm system to Simatic PCS7.