Company policy
Company SimTec Sp. z o.o. acts on wide area of industry automation including designing, programming, commissioning of devices, technology lines and production processes, trainings and distribution with simultaneous assurance of high qualified engineering staff and deliveries of the highest quality equipment.
We provide professional level of services, on dynamically developing industry automation market, that should ensure our customers competitiveness. Thanks to quick learning skills and new technologies familiarizing skills, SimTec can undertake new challenges putting target on quality to cause our company would associate with professionalism, trust, reliability and punctuality.
To realize placed us tasks, wishing to provide our customers highest quality services in range of quality, Company management care for suitable equipment of working places, staff trainings, safety trainings and dedicated trainings and workshops. Targets, fulfilling customers’ expectations, placed to our employees in range of quality, are permanently monitored, verified and assessed on each stage of realization by appointed staff.
Competitiveness and consolidation of market position we are going to realize by following of below rules:
- We strive to permanent development of service quality for our customers
- We select and train our staff skills to guarantee offering modern solutions
- We care for high personal culture and good of company and customer
- We are delivering latest technical solutions and we realize our services by high qualified and certified staff
- We are permanently improving our qualifications and skills
- We are achieving high quality by use of tested suppliers and subcontractors that provide modern professional solutions
- We maintain partner cooperation with suppliers and producers of highest quality products that provides us competitiveness
- Quality of products and services we treat not only as the discriminant but as necessary requirement being a subject of permanent control.
Above adopted behavior, guaranteeing established target achievement is consistent with norm ISO 9001 requirements, concerning quality management.
Natural environment protection aspects become to be more and more important issue of organizations activity. The goal of environment management system is an interaction with natural environment in such a way that activities become to be more efficient and consistent with the whole organization activity. Guidelines included in ISO 14001 norm are integral with our organization management.
Company SimTec acts according to assumtions described in document "10 PRINCIPLES OF UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT" ( and commits to the same obligations his supliers, subsupiers, providers. All comments, doubts or violations of Ethical Code please inform by the means of electronic message under or by post under contact address. We guarantee full anonymity and safety of delivered information.
Privacy policy (European Union Parliament and Council Ordinance (UE) 2016/679 from 27 aprill 2016 r. regarding to protection of physical persons in relation with personal data processing and regarding to free flow of this type data and repeal of directive 95/46/WE)
SimTec’s Management confirms that above presented quality policy is known to the all staff, was understood, accepted and is implemented as well as is overviewed and actualized in order to improve our level and quality of services.
Satisfaction of our customers is our goal.
Managing Director